Saturday, January 07, 2006

Rambling and such

Okay, so now it's January, today, we're going to DP's holiday party for her work. It should be much fun. The new house is coming along nicely, we've had some things pop up, like one of the contractors writing "Brian is Gay" on one of the beams to tease one of his other co-workers, it was very interesting to say the least when I confronted "Brian" about the writing and then told the builder what was going on, they didn't seem to see my point, nor do anything about it, until I put it into "heterosexual" terms. They still didn't do anything about it. The sliding is up and the paint in going on inside, I can't wait to move. The fucking neighbors are crazy. Mike is getting worse. I think he just got out of the hospital. I feel for people that are clincially crazy, but this kid really needs to go, his issues shouldn't become my subscription. Thursday, I come home and the cops are all in the driveway, he allegedly keyed our neighbors car and her boyfriends truck, then when mini goes to work Friday, she calls me and states that she thinks he keyed her car too and I look closer and discover our purple car has been keyed too. I haven't filed a police report yet. Our neighbor stated that the parents offered to pay for the damage done to her and her boyfriends vehicles, if that isn't an admittance of quilt I don't know what is. I am sick of these people. I am sick of having my visitors worry about their son lurking around when they leave, and how he roams the neighborhood at 5 am in the morning, we're talking about a 20+year old here. They've been nothing but trouble since we moved in, not even a year ago here. The neighbors around here won't unite and do anything though, they don't have enough balls to do any damn thing.
I am still in my position at work, nothing changing their, except when they did solicit my position, I did realize how underpaid I was, by about 20K actually, everyone coming in are asking for that much more than I make at least, my immediate bosses are aware of it but can't do anything since it is 1/2 OH and 1/2 direct labor. I will be glad when I am back into my direct position. I will be glad when we move and are into our new house, and find out whether or not our contract gets renewed so I know whether or not I have a job past April with this company. Gotta go do DP's hair and she says I won't be ready in time....


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