Addition Problems?

You know that movie, back in the 80's, it was called, Moving, well, remember, the horrible next door neigbhor that used that mammoth lawnmower to cut 3 inches of grass? Well we have howdy crack ass next door doing the same thing, this morning he had two of them, they were similar to the pic posted. This is where my problem comes in, I went to bed around 1:30, I didn't get to sleep until 2:30, I got woke up periodically because of my bowel, I get woke up at 6:30 because Dawn is leaving, I get woke up at 7 because of the noise across the street, they're building another house, you see, then the phone starts ringing, so now it's around noon and I finally want to roll over, not to mention my TMJ medicine makes me weary, and Freida knows which one I am talking about!
So that is why I have addition problems today!
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