Saturday, May 06, 2006

Our ass clown neighbor.........

.........wakes us up this morning at fucking 6:30! I am an insomniac, I must not be woken before 10:30 on the weekends, preferably noon, especially since I didn't get to sleep last night until freakin almost 3:30. We have a no-calling the house before noon rule on the weekends, that most of our relatives know, minus my sister Patty, and my can't hear shit father, Howard.

He (the ass clown neighbor) asked us if he could pull in a truck to drop some cement down in the back of his house because he was doing a patio or some shit, Dawn stated it was fine but if any damage was caused he would have to pay for it, well there's damage all right. She talked to him about it and he stated he wanted to take us out to dinner for the inconvenience, Dawn stated no that's okay. I'd rather have my eyelids cut off and feed sleeping pills than go eat anywhere with them two, I know this might be rude, but these are the people that gave us odd looks at the home development center when we were picking out house colors for our house to be built, looking at us and thinking in their heads, "Are they together? Is that a girl and a girl? ", I sincerely think they thought that, but that's just my opinion I could be wrong.

We took the long trip to Waldorf today, we went to look at home exercise equipment at Sears, Sporting Authority and Dicks Sporting Goods, we ate at the Olive Garden and went to see the movie Ice Age 2. I thought I was going to have to give Dawn a timeout as much noise as she made in the movie theater, very fidget too in an almost annoying kind of way, but I got over it.

All and all I enjoyed my day and time with her. The ex called, twice, didn't leave a msg and then sent me a txt msg on the phone to say she had two tickets for us to see a baseball game and wanted to know if we'd wanted them, "I was like uh, ok", who is it, Bowie Bay Sox? I would rather have my fingernails removed than watch a damn baseball game, I don't even watch Dawn play when she was on the team last year, why the fuck would I want to sit through one professionally with a bunch of males watching males? I know it was nice of her to offer, but I can't help but think it's just another plot for her to get back into my life somehow or make mettle conversations that inadvertently mean shiat!

TMI WARNING-luckily today, I didn't have much problem with being in public, eating and dealing with the recent colectomy. I did have to use the public toilets like 3 or 4 times but I was pretty okay with it, I didn't have to worry about public toilet ass (PTA) either because there were seat covers in every bathroom I had to use. I am very thankful to have healed so nicely since surgery and to have had my body fully recover so far the way it has, including my small intestine. (*Insert thanks to the small intestine here*). Cancer has made me more aware of my food choices and what I chose to put in my body, I am gradually starting to see food for what it really is and that's fuel. Today I saw some red substances in my stool but I am hoping it wasn't blood and just something red and cellulose I ate.

DP and I talked more today about children and are pondering many thoughts regarding when, how and what nots. We are going to make an appt with our RE to see what his thoughts are and what options he can offer us and to find out exactly what her insurance covers and what mine does, that way we can figure out what to do about sperm and donors. I hate feeling so complacent about this and my job at the moment, not knowing all the details irritates the shiat out of me! :)


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