TGIF and the best pic of us in awhile...

That there is a picture of me and DP when we were at the baby shower for her brother, Paul. I think this is one of the best pictures I've ever taken-I know that says a lot-look at my hair, I just like the pic and wanted to post it.
So I went to lunch today at Ruby Tuesday's with my big sistas-Patty and Debbie. Patty treated, it wasn't anything to brag about, I don't heart Ruby Tuesdays. Patty and I came back here, and she did what she always does try to clean, and my house isn't dirty she just wants to do some upkeep stuff I guess.
I made an appt with my local oncologist to see what he would recommend for the treatment of me with my stage, etc., I will know more on Tuesday. Tuesday is the day, I go see my surgeon that day too, I hope I can go back to work soon. I am bored with sitting home and being restricted. I think I might have the port put in here locally too, rather than go up the road. Again, not crazy about the hoopla scars.
I want to go camping with the girls, and go to Gilbert's Run to do paddle boating-I use to take them when they were little and they want to go again. Patty says to me today when we were talking about donors, do I know that if we have a baby I can't give it back like house, it's not like we're playing anymore. I am like no really. She is like you can't get up and go like you're use to, REALLY? I'd never thought of it, and furthermore where in the hell do we go? NO WHERE, we're always just running errands and doing the daily boring stuff and that's it. She thinks I should wait 5 years, I already feel like we've waited long enough. She then tells me when I told her in 5 years I could be dead, and she said that's what I mean, what's the point? I said well we would have a child together and she said but it won't be from you, it will be from Dawn. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST that's what I thought. She has also voice her opinions because of us being lesbian parents. I don't think discussing this topic with her is of benefit to either one of us.
I don't know why I put TGIF-I am not waiting to do anything special this weekend. I would like to go and buy a treadmill and a stationary bike to put in the basement but I don't think we will because of the uncertainity of my job position come June.
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