Something's not right
Dawn's cleaning her bounty she caught lastnight, we went to see X-men3 today, it was pretty good, much better than I anticipated. Although, the highlight of evening, was indeed, not the movie, but the point, when after the movie, Dawn and I raced to the bathroom, because we needed to piss faster than Russian race horses race, and all the stalls were full. So we wait. A rather large lady comes in after us, and states, "Are they all full?", I responded, "Um yeah", I really wanted to say, "No, we just like hanging out in bathrooms with full stalls" why do people ask stupid questions like that?
It's like when people do something wrong and you tell them and they say, "My bad", WTF? My bad, when you do something good, you don't say "My good". It's like a cop-out for an apology. I don't get it. I just don't.
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