Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Allergic Reaction

Last night around 5 pm I started getting very nauseated. Around 10 pm I had a severely red face, that was extremely hot to touch, and then my hands and feet starting constricting, I lost my ability to grip in my right hand and dropped my prescription when I had picked it up during the day. My feet and hands were tingling and my lips were numb and tingly, my port was warm to touch, and my heart rate was about 136 per minute. My face was so freakin hot, the EMT touched it and said it felt like I had at temp of 104, yet my temp was only 96.3. I was freezing on my hands and feet. They disconnected the port, after much ado about nothing, and I felt better, today after, getting home from the ER at freakin 4 in the morning, and then I wake up around noon and I am covered in hivey blotches all over my legs and feet. My arms are having crampy pains all the way down them and I had severe joint pain yesterday, even thought I didn't have the neulasta yesterday, which is what they said causes the joint pain.

I called my oncologist, and they want me to come up there today when I go see the other doc about the rectal bleeding today, my oncologist stated he thought I could be allergic to the Oxaliplation or the Zofran, so they didn't want me to take anymore Zofran, I dont' think it's the Zofran though. I could be wrong.

Maybe this is God telling me to discontinue chemotherapy. I kept saying as soon as I develop a rash or anything happens with my face, I am going to stop. I didn't even finish my second cycle, I feel like suck a fucking whimp.


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