Ski-on and touch tone phones

This pic is of Drew when she fell asleep in my arms, apparently she over-dosed on Pupperoni's. I ♥ my dog!
Today was my first day returning to work. It was really nice and mellow, I am glad to be back, it will take my mind off of FUCKING Cancer for once, well maybe.
Today at work, I overhear in the cube behind me, a girl saying I want one of those fucking Ski-on TC's those are hot, obviously she meant Scion TC, the new car by the sister company of Toyota. I just thought it was hilarious, it's kind of like that guy in the FedEx commerical that wants to send something to Phone-ex AZ instead of Phoneix. Or how like I keep thinking that sound by George Clinton and the Parliment Funkadelic is Lastnight, when it's actually FLASHLIGHT.
We went to clean my dad's house after I got off of work today, when I say me, I mean Patty, Hales, Dawn G and Dawn P and me. Debbie had a tragic event at her house where she was house bound-not to be confused with house arrest-as my father is very familiar. Apparently she couldn't leave.
In other news, Mini got a ticket today and has to inevitably get a new car because of this.
I dread chemo tomorrow, I am getting nauseated just thinking about it.
I want to see an Inconvenient Truth soon, I will probably hate the fact that I have a 23 room house once I do though :o(.
My niece Dawn asked us the other day if her verizon phone was a touch tone phone, apparently it was, she was able to complete her call, who knew?
In other news, DP and I were driving down the street one night, when the ho's on great mills rod were out, we pulled to the side to admire their art of call-girling, and this one chic picked up this guy, he took her back to his house, ironically he drove in the same direction to our house area, so we were behind him. Later that week, I saw her walking up and down the street, and thought, um, I know your secret! Honestly, who takes a ho to their house? You take a Ho to a HOTEL! Dah, I am a lesbian and I even know that!
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