Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Chemo Day Regimen #2....MY cancer is better than YOURs

Today I went to go get my chemo cocktail. It took them FOREVER to get me in and out. My counts are still down, I discussed the 12,356.7 side affects of chemo that I am having with my doc, he gave me some Zofran and Lorazepam for nausea. Thank God for health insurance, for 12 pills my copay was 20 bucks and it cost the insurance 477, for the Zofran that is.

I like my oncologist he is a cutie pie, he really is, his name is Dr. Uppal.

I am hoping that I will be able to go to work today, I did work from home this morning prior to my treatment, then I went into the office for a few afterwards.

Tomorrow I will go see my father to see how he is doing, I thought about going to DC tonight, but it's too much right now. I feel bad, I've only seen him twice since he's been up there.

Today this lady was there getting chemo, an ovarian survior for 15 years with stage IV, she's in her 50's. She was ranting and raving about how it's the silent killer, and it is, I said yeah just like people shouldn't get tested until their in their 50's for colon cancer. I said 165,000 people are diagnosed each year with colon cancer, 7 % of them are under age 50, what about all those other people? She was like Ovarian is worse, colon cancer is preventable. I wanted to slap the hair right off her head, what was left (DISCLOSURE: Sorry to anyone reading this that has ovarian cancer, I don't mean ill will). She then went on to say that I was lucky, which I know I am for it being Stage IIA. Then she also stated that she didn't believe in surgeons that operate on people who think they're going to die, she stated how she went to a surgeon that would only operate on patients that wanted to fight. That annoyed me too. I feel anyone that has this fucking cell bashing disease in their body has a right to feel whatever the fuck they want. Everyone has an equal right to feel how they want, we all react differently because we're different. That to me is like saying, which some family members have, it's okay if we put 4 people in the backseat, but I only have 3 seatbelts, okay so if we get in an accident, who wants to die? ......Okay, so it might not be exactly the same metaphor but you know what I mean. I just wanted to say to her quit the nanny nanny boo boo, my cancer is better than yours, routine. I should coin that term and make t-shirts out of it! That would be a hoot! She said she was an inspiration to a lot of people, I said my mom was and is my hero.

Got a letter from the stupid ass fertiltiy bank today about Dawn's coverage being denied because she doesn't ride penis, I want to send them back a thank you note and tell them to grow some balls, if they need some Dawn will lovingly donate hers. Okay off my soap box now! :)

Hasta besta!


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