Stress Test....and hopes for Neverland
I finally dozed off lastnight somewhere between 5:58 am and 5:59 am and Dawn got up at 6:00 am. I then got up to use the loo, I set my cell alarm for 7:30 so I could get ready to pick up dad and get him to the doc. I go back to bed hoping to get some shut eye prior to getting up the cell rings at 7-it's Dad-reiterating to me the instructions I gave him lastnight, but he's evidently forgotten because he was plastered, I tell him what he needs and hit snooze 3 times.
I get up and we go, finally there and we're at the doc's we sit in the waiting room and HE starts. A rather obese employee comes out and greets us, she goes behind a desk, my father, who has to do a stress test, that involves walking on a treadmill, says, I think all of these people need a stress test because they're fat, I'm not. I just looked at him and told him to shut his cake hole.
Next episode-doctor's baby-a doc comes in with his two children, one a small infant in a car seat thingy and the other a male toddler, the boy stops, and smiles at me, and stares at me for like 2 minutes. He does this 3 individual times almost as if he sees something in me that no one else can see, or like how a dog looks at someone or stares at a wall-almost like a 6th sense, it was uncanny.
We finally leave, and my sister, the one that bitched at me about my port, wanted me to stop by because my father's bday was yesterday and she wants to give him the bday money, I do, she then says let me see your port, I show her, and want her to touch it, but she refuses, yet, it's okay and I shouldn't shit my pants about it. WHATEVER, not her body!
Fast Forward about 12 hours, it's 1:11 and I can't get to sleep, I don't feel well, I am still on my period and I am so glad it's the weekend, I think I will try to find slumper somewhere, Neverland here I come....hopefully Wendy will be looking for me.
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