Sleep interrupted?

So at about 2:20 this afternoon (you'll notice the time I am posting this) I am awoken from my deep morning slumber of sugar plums dancing in my head to find a text message from my beloved Beowulf of a sister, "I want to apologize about last night".
Now, not only did the titillating vibrating sound, all too familiar wake me up, it was the words that sent me into clear shock, almost like hearing the car needs a new transmission when you took it in to get the headlight changed or something, so with that much shock, I couldn't get back to sleep, so now I am up for good.
This apology to me is a huge surprise for me, considering that I really expected her to do her usual thing, call me later on today and tell ME how much I over-reacted. So part of me wondered, did she find my blog online and realized how much of an ass she was? She couldn't have come to this realization all by her lonlisome, the girls had to have helped her. I also have to add in, how skinny she thought my neck was in the picture I took yesterday. I thought that was fucking hilarious.
My port still hurts, it is still raised and I can't sleep on my right side and it feels like my neck is constantly pulling, I suspect that is from the wires in my neck running to my jugular. I don't care if I have to have so much as a toe nail amputated, I will not go to St. Mary's Hospital for anything anymore.
On another note, DP and I logged into our savings account lastnight with ING Direct, the Orange Savings account, I heart them so, and we took this picture because it made us laugh and put me in a cheerful mood it was about a contest. Ours was a parody on the "Got Milk" ad-I have an orange milk mustache and I even wrote Got ING on the cup, if I win I could get 15K, or 1500 for second prize, it was fun doing it.
Thank you for the laughs. I'll be sure to keep up with your blog. Thank you also for your kind words and understanding. My e-mail address is
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