Valentines Day was nice, my sweetie got me those, which was a very pleasant surprise. I went to work that morning and found those, along with season 1 and 2 of crank yankers on my desk, a nice cheesecake, and a card with 50 bucks in it for me.
The weekend came quickly, as usual I am severly busy, but I guess that's better than sitting around with my thumb up my ass?
Friday night she threw me a surprise birthday party for my 30th birthday, let's just say I made out like a champ with regards to all the money and cards I got. I was able to get myself some new things-clothes wise, without having to worry about feeling quilty about buying it afterwards, if I had spent our money to do so, especially when I am trying desperately to get us out of some of the debt we are in, mind you now, I have paid of 2500 worth of debt in January, so I'll give myself some kudos for that one! :-) go me!
Saturday we went to see Wicked, it was fabulous. I would go see it again, however, I would get better seats and I would go to an earlier show, just because with finishing up chemotherapy, taking 3 classes, working full time, and taking care of my father too, it's a lot and it's starting to take it's toll. I was really irked with mini about a few things. I really wonder if she really appreciates all the things we do for her. Okay I will stop the bitching here, and get off so I can mark some of the 67 items on my to-do list off. God love the queen and all that good stuff. Amanda if you're reading I hope you feel better, and Rich-sorry I missed our birthday, and I am sending you a happy belated now!
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