So I am sitting here, on my work email, even though I am on short term disabtility (STD). My stomach is making these odd noises, it's like personalized gas sounds, I feel like maybe I should record a CD? It's like a gurgling sound with bubbles, that's the best way to put it.
I went to the doc's yesterday, I don't know anymore today than I did yesterday, but my mind is at ease. I don't feel weel, my belly is crampy and I am distended. I have one week to go, if my sanity can hold it.
We have 3 days until we move, I am in shock at this point, when they*-DP and Dr. Kylie-look around they don't see what I do, I see odds and ends everywhere, cleaning that needs to be done, etc. Haley has bailed on me for Friday night, I am a little pissy about that. Dawn G will be helping us, so it will be just us girls, DP, me, Dawn G and Dr. Kylie to do the big move on Friday, problem is, I can't pick up stuff, I am not supposed to lift any heavy items, really anything past 10 pounds. I feel bad that I am feeling bad.
Dawn wants to go see the house this afternoon, that's all she ever wants to do, the novelty has warn off for me because I am ready to move in and stop seeing it. Fear and concern is starting to sit in about my job. I don't know if I will have one and unemployment looks like it is going to be coming to me closer I will definitely have to cobra some benefits, at 400 bucks a month, that's a nightmare, so I hope I can find something soon and that my health is good.