Medicating my Medication..........

I've decided the Paxil isn't working, I've not noticed a change, I still dread going into work. I still get upset stomaches, can't sleep at night, and dread Sunday evenings. The little timesheet fraud turned into a "misunderstanding", gotta love that. I've decided to stop taking it, I will tell the doctor things are going well, or maybe I won't. I can't have an orgasm, and further more I don't want to, which is weird for me/us. We usually at least try to do these things twice a week.
I am generally overwhelmed with the upcoming move too, not that Dawn isn't trying to help, she is, she is trying to get everything out of storage the next two days, without my asking, so that we can get our $143.00 back, which every little bit helps at this point, since I inevitably await the inevitable. She is taking two classes this semester, and doesn't learn as fast as I do, or write and one is sociology, so it takes her longer and I understand that, so I am trying to be patient, but the bulk to the nitty gritty stuff falls on me (i.e:
call the courthouse, find out the new tax rate for the new house and contact lender
contact lender and lock in rates for new loan product and chose new loan product
contact insurance agent and chose product
make sure appraisal gets faxed from lender to agent for homeowners policy
check contract regarding transfer and recordation taxes
contact utilities and transfer: Verizon, GMP, Gas, Water, SMECO
contact new owner, inform him of vacating date, arrange walk-through
yadda yadda, the list goes on, you get the just...
I am overwhelmed.
Then on top of it, stuff at work with the changeover of my direct position, and the new girl and then getting ready to go on leave for the big move and then the inevitable layout and job search which should be going on now but I don't have FUCKING time, and then school, and then my dad, and my niece and her job problems and then the cell phone problems which consume more of my time, now I just discovered my dog has blood in her eye, WTF? It just goes on and on, you get the just.
So I am just trying to get my point across here. Well I better get off here so I can start getting some of this shiat done!